Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sold by Zana Muhsen

For fifteen-year-old Zana Muhsen and her younger sister Nadia, a holiday to the mountains of Yemen sounds like an incredible opportunity. Upon their arrival, however, the girls are appalled to discover that their father literally sold them to into marriages that would result in eight years of rape, abuse and brutal imprisonment.
Sold is a powerful, honest and captivating account of Zana's life in an ancient land where corn is still ground on rocks, women have no rights, and children are born on bare mud floors. It is also a great source of information about slavery and forced marriage, which, unfortunately, Yemeni women are still forced to endure. It was this book that opened my eyes to what Middle Eastern women have been going through for thousands of years. I think about Zana Muhsen every day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi KN. Great review! You might enjoy a new book we have just received called Jameela by Rukhsana Khan. It is set in Afghanistan and is inspired by real events. Jameela's life changes when her mother dies and her father remarries. Mrs W.


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